Groups Sue Mine Over Ongoing Pollution
By John McFerrin The West Virginia Highlands Conservancy has joined with the Kanawha Forest Coalition and Appalachian Voices in a suit against Keystone West…
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Whip-poor-wills make synchronized trip south
Using GPS tags attached to Eastern Whip-poor-wills, researchers discovered that birds from across the Midwest all traveled a similar migratory path and moved at nearly the same…
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Thoughts from our president
It’s October and Mother Nature is very busy with the annual coloring of the leaves. Driving through the mountains, it is very evident witnessing the annual transformation…
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Off Road Vehicles in State Parks? No Way!
By Luanne McGovernInterim sessions of the West Virginia Legislature are usually pretty humdrum affairs, but this was not the case with the September…
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And So I Weed
By Jackie BurnsIt’s August. In Canaan Valley that means it is time for pulling out Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum) so that it doesn’t become…
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Watoga Old-Growth Forest Exploration Outing
By Larry ThomasAs Cory and I mentioned in the August Highlands Voice, the Conservancy has revived the outings, with three of the four…
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Mushroom Meander: Another Successful Outing
By Cory ChaseThe Highlands of West Virginia hold many treasures. One the most diverse–and least understood–is the world of fungi. Modern research is…
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Dolly Sods Wilderness Stewards Update
By Dave JohnstonDuring August the Dolly Sods Wilderness Stewards were all about seeking solitude (or lack thereof) and finding campsites, without staying in…
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The cut
Whether the waters of prosperity have actually flowed down the rivers of concrete of the Appalachian Regional Highway System, as Senator Byrd predicted, is a complicated issue. There…
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The Real Northern Route for Corridor H
By Hugh Rogers In Tucker County, advance men for the Division of Highways (DOH) have been saying that a Northern Route for the Davis-Thomas…
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