Letter from the President
By Larry ThomasNovember was another busy month at the Conservancy and we are very proud of our efforts and accomplishments. During another extremely…
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Which Side Are You On? A Christmas Story
(A European Starling shot by Kathy Litzinger/Great Backyard Bird Count)By Cindy Ellis In the late 1800s and…
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Board Highlights
By John McFerrinFor the first time in a long time we crawled out of our little Zoom boxes and had a meeting in…
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The Cost of Clear-Cutting our National Forests
(John Coleman)By Steve Coleman and John ColemanYou would think the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) would be at the forefront…
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It’s Not Just Trees
A White Bergamot in Leadmine, WV. (Paula Stahl)By Paula StahlDeep in the hills of northern West Virginia is a small…
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Dolly Sods Wilderness Stewards Update
Traffic jam at Dolly Sods. (Dave Johnston)By Dave JohnstonThe month of October sees the greatest concentrated influx of visitors to…
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2022 Fall Review Recap: Empowering West Virginia
Jay Williams gives a tour of the solar panels at his home in Cairo, WV. (Olivia Miller)By Olivia Miller and John McFerrin
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Partners Make Progress
By Sarah HinnantThis October, the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy welcomed Friends of the Cheat (FOC) board member Sarah Hinnant as a delegate to…
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Corridor H: What the Engineers Don’t See
By Hugh RogersWhen our reports on the Corridor H highway project began appearing as a bimonthly feature, perhaps inevitably they became more technical,…
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The Conservancy’s 2023 Legislative Priorities
The WVHC Legislative Committee will closely follow all bills as they are introduced in the January 2023 regular legislative session to understand their impact on West Virginia…
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