West Virginia Lax in Stream Cleanup
By John McFerrin The United States District Court has ruled that West Virginia was lax in its duty to beginning cleaning up impaired streams and that the United States Environmental…
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Insider View of West Virginia Highlands Conservancy Marketing Machine
Each month in The Highlands Voice, and on our website, we offer for sale a variety of t-shirts, hats, etc. For the offerings in the Voice, we are fortunate…
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Going, Going, Gone
After fifteen years in the making, the “stream protection rule” lasted about a month in effect. According to the official press release, the new rule “updates 33-year old regulations…
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By Rick Webb The Dominion Pipeline Monitoring Coalition has submitted a report to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Atllantic Coast Pipeline (ACP)…
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“Persistent Failures” Says Office of Surface Mining
By Cindy Rank In June 2013 eighteen state and national public interest groups including, the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, filed a petition with the federal Office of Surface Mining (OSMRE)…
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Big Mining Continues
Contrary to what many believe, Mountaintop Removal and other large scale mining has not disappeared from southern West Virginia. Ask the brave folks at Coal River Mountain Watch (CRMW)…
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In Marble Halls: Our History with E-Council
By Cynthia D. Ellis One poem. Thanks to an interest in one poem, I stumbled upon Tennessee State University’s “Now & Then; The Appalachian Magazine” —a publication of that school’s…
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DEP Eliminates Protections for Noise, Light from Natural Gas Facilities
Ken Ward Jr. Less than two weeks after taking office, Gov. Jim Justice’s administration quietly deleted permit language intended to protect residents in West Virginia’s natural gas regions from excessive…
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An Old, Timely Word from Julian
The coal interests take our coal almost free of taxes. They pollute our air and streams and seduce our politicians. Coal barons don’t build anything more lasting and beautiful…
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Trail Truthing, Part 2: Another Surprise
By Hugh Rogers Winter is shrinking. On President’s Day, the snowdrops popped up, looked around, saw no snow, not even remnants. We’ve used a few of these warm days to…
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