Memories of the Early Days of the WVHC
By Rupert Cutler I was an Assistant Executive Director of The Wilderness Society in Washington, D.C., assigned by Executive Director Stewart Brandborg to help pro-wilderness grass roots groups in the…
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Congress Refuses to Unfix a Problem
By John McFerrin In March, 2017, The Highlands Voice reported that Congress was about to unfix a problem with the waste of natural gas on public lands. The Bureau of…
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Trail Truthing, Part 5: Your Turn
By Hugh Rogers Ever-resourceful Editor John has proposed a contest for hikers who will help us bring our Monongahela National Forest Hiking Guide up to date. Here’s some background. More than ten…
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Find Bird Nests, Win Prizes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s time once again for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Funky Nests in Funky Places. This contest focuses on the quirky places birds sometimes build their nests. Participants have…
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Help Improve the Hiking Guide!!!! Win a Prize!!!!
We are working on a new edition of The Monongahela National Forest Hiking Guide. To do it, we need your help. The Guide describes nearly 200 U.S. Forest Service…
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Legislature Does Good by Accident
There were two water quality bills in the 2017 Legislature which the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy opposed. This led to weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth, etc., some of which…
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Beauty is Where You Find It
By Charlie Feldhake I have left the 12-foot bole of a dead scarlet oak standing about 20 feet from the back of my house. Leaving it stand is not a…
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Forest Management and Carbon Sinks
What is the role of forest management in carbon dioxide sequestration? We all know that trees play a big role in how much carbon dioxide is in the air. …
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International Migratory Bird Day at the Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge
By Cindy Rank What fun it was a couple of weeks ago to return to the first bit of land purchased as part of the Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge…
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1965 Fall Review
From Fighting to Protect the Highlands, The First Forty Years of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy by Dave Elkinton As recalled by Maxwell Smith “It was a cold, wet, miserable…
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