Resilient (?) Forests Act of 2017: a Bill Worth Watching
This summer’s wildfires have focused attention on forest management practices that could make fires less devastating. While there is widespread agreement that changes in forest management have that potential,…
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Rule to Prevent Methane Waste on Public Lands Reinstated
By John McFerrin Once again the rule that would both reduce emissions and increase revenue from gas produced on public lands has survived Congressional and Legislative efforts to kill it. …
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Gerrymandering…or Mole Crickets?
It seems as if there’s always a great deal that I want to learn about and share. But sometimes different topics wrestle for my attention. Mole Crickets pulled me…
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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Approves the Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley Pipelines
By John McFerrin In two decisions issued together (two pipelines, two decisions) The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has approved both the Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley Pipelines. The pipelines…
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Pipelines, Streams, and Wetlands: Will They Be Allowed to Cross?
By John McFerrin If, as their developers hope, the Mountain Valley Pipeline or the Atlantic Coast Pipeline are constructed, they will have to cross hundreds streams and wetlands as they…
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Double Anniversary Hike
Several groups combined to host a hike in Kanawha State Forest on Saturday, September 30. The Kanawha Trail Club , the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy [celebrating 50…
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West Virginia Near the Bottom in Energy Efficiency
The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy is out with its 2017 State Energy Efficiency Scoreboard and, for West Virginia, there is good news and bad news. The…
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Red Creek Rising
By Donna Weems Once small, now muscular and strong Collins Run spills over wooded banks Rushing past rocks and soil, dank Loudly laughing as it hurries along Dry gulley now an active streambed Clear water…
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A Little Adventure in Birding
By John McFerrin The photograph which illustrated the story in the September Voice about the Brooks Bird Club and its 85th anniversary is of a Sutton’s Warbler. In searching for…
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For the last few months we have been having a contest, designed to gather information for the upcoming 9th edition of The Monongahela National Forest Hiking Guide. To enter,…
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