A Loss of a Friend
Peter S. Shoenfeld, devoted husband and father, mathematician, and lover of the outdoors, and West Virginia Highlands Conservancy member and Board member, died on Monday, November 13, 2017. Peter was…
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The People Speak about the Clean Power Plan
By John McFerrin From all over West Virginia, they came. From around the country, they came. With a stubborn determination to say something, even when you know nobody is listening,…
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National Forest Service Approves Mountain Valley Pipeline Across Jefferson National Forest
The National Forest Service has decided to amend its Forest Management Plan for the Jefferson National Forest. This would make it possible for the Mountain Valley Pipeline to cross…
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Forest Service Approves Right of Way for Atlantic Coast Pipeline
The United States Forest Service has approved the crossing of the George Washington and Monongahela National Forests by the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. This is no surprise. In July, 2017, the…
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Support the Highlands Conservancy
Amazon Smile Amazon (the shopping company, not the river) has a program to support organizations such as ours. To participate, all you have to do is order through Amazon Smile…
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What’s Going On in the Mon?
In an effort to find out about activities and initiataives in the Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia Highlands Conservancy Board member Adam Casseday interviewed District Ranger Jack Tribble of…
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Auld Lang Syne
Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot, and old lang syne? Our 50th year is ending. Our old times and old acquaintances have not been…
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West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection Gives Away Chance to Protect State’s Waters
West Virginia has waived its opportunity to review the Mountain Valley Pipeline to determine whether it will cause a violation of West Virginia’s water quality standards. Under Section 401 of…
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Board Highlights
By John McFerrin The Board of Directors of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy met in October. Of course, we had most of the usual stuff—report from Membership Secretary (holding our…
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Asking the Governor for Help
Twenty organizations (including the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy) have joined in a letter asking Governor Justice to take the lead in assuring that the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the…
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