New Guide to the West Virginia Highlands - West Virginia Highlands Conservancy

New Guide to the West Virginia Highlands

Jim Van Gundy, former West Virginia Highlands Conservancy Board member and longtime friend of the Highlands Conservancy, has published his book, The Nature and Scenery of the West Virginia Highlands: A Motorist’s Guide.  Chapters on the Highlands’ history, climate, geology, botany, wildlife, and more are followed by 32 highway segments and what’s to be seen, explored, and understood along the way. This well-written guide will be equally useful to day-trippers and determined explorers, and those of us lucky enough to live here will find there’s more to learn and discover. Like the Monongahela National Forest Hiking Guide, it has a striking photograph by Kent Mason on the cover. Side by side, they look like companion volumes. 

            To order, go to mcclainprinting.com.  Select Book Store at the top of the page and search for “nature.”  It should be available on Amazon in the near future.

For people in the Elkins area, there will be a presentation and book signing at the Elkins Randolph County Community Arts Center on Thursday, March 10th at 7:00 PM. Copies of the book will be available there at the lightly discounted rate of $25 per copy. Light refreshments will be served.