Finding Out What You Think

The Climate Change Committee for the Highlands Conservancy is developing a survey of our members on climate change. The purpose of the survey is to understand what members believe are the causes of climate change, measures that members may support in addressing climate change, and what action members think the Highlands Conservancy should take on climate change.  This is the first time in our history that we have used a survey such as this.

The printed version will appear in next month’s Voice.  Very shortly after the printed Voice appears, we will email the survey to all members for whom we have a valid email address.  We will use Survey Monkey. Please feel free to send in either the version printed in the Voice or respond to the email version.  All responses will be kept strictly confidential. We sincerely hope that you will participate but if you don’t want to simply delete the email from Survey Monkey and do not respond to the printed version. 
