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Photo Copyright © Jonathan Jessup
All Rights Reserved.

Already Heaven, Mount Porte Crayon

Mount Porte Crayon (MPC), the sixth highest mountain in the state of West Virginia is 4770' above sea level and is the distant mountaintop in the top left of this photo. The summit area is owned by the US Forest Service and is very wild and remote. Here it is seen with a frost of rime ice and it is snowing up there while it is not down here. Notice the barn in the lower right corner for scale. The lower pastures are grazed by cattle. This property has been well managed and cared for by the owners for many years, by hard work and a love for the land. The foreground slopes have been targeted by a real estate developer for a ski resort that some estimate to cost $100,000,000. The ski resort's primary profit would come not from skiing but from real estate development (resort homes, condos, etc).

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