October 4
- Huntington, WV One of America’s most unique folksingers and backcountry travelers, Walkin’ Jim Stoltz, on tour from the mountains of Montana, will bring his inspiring multi-media show, "Forever Wild" to the Jean Carlo Stephenson Auditorium at City Hall in Huntington (corner of 8th St. and 5th Ave.) on Wednesday, October 4 from 7 to 9 p.m. The free event is sponsored by the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition.October 6 thru 8 - Heartwood Reunion, Hoosier National Forest near Paoli IN. Begins 6:30 Fri eve, ends after lunch on Sun. Registration and camping, $25. Meals $25 (five meals). Last minute registration (at the door) $10 more. For details or to register call (812) 337-8898 or e-mail
October 7 & 8 -
Roaring Plains overnight backpack trip with Jack Slocomb. This trip will be a moderate level trip to some spectacular scenery, including a spot where you look DOWN on Seneca Rocks! Contact leader Jack Slocomb to arrange to borrow a pack, sleeping bag, or tent -- if you don’t have one. Campfire under the stars! Leader: Jack Slocomb, 301-777-8810; e-mail: JSLOCOMB@prodigyOctober 7 & 8 -
Apple Butter Festival at Berkeley Springs. See details.October 12 -
West Virginia Conference on the Environment. U. of Charleston, 8 AM thru 6:30 PM. $75 fee includes lunch and a reception. For additional information and to register, call 925-6123.October 13th, 14th, & 15th, 2000 - WVHC Fall Review (Board of Directors meeting on Sunday the 15th). Slaty Fork in Pocahontas County. Full details were in last month’s Voice. For information and to register, call Dave Saville at 284-9548.
October 20 thru 22 - Forest Watch Coalition meeting & workshop at Cherry Shot Cabin near Spruce Knob. See details.
October 28th - Funeral for the Mountains. Join OVEC, Coal River Mountain Watch, the WVHC and other organizations at the Capitol in Charleston, WV, as we mourn and pay tribute to what has been lost to the horror that is mountaintop removal. See Stockman article. Call OVEC at 522-0246 for more details.
Nov. 3-4,2000 - Fall Backpack in the Dolly Sods. Enjoy a quiet, reflective weekend, leafless, sunny woods, the early whisperings of winter along Red Creek. A special time of year. Leader: Jack Slocomb. 301-777-8810 or email at .
November 11 & 12 - 3rd Annual Summit for the Mountains. Come and be a part of this diverse group of committed people fighting to save our mountains, streams, Appalachian heritage, wildlife and mountain communities. Camp Virgil Tate, Sissonville, WV. More details soon to be forthcoming. Call OVEC at 522-0246 in two weeks.