June 8 - Forest Forum. Details to be announced. Held in the Elkins Public Library at 7 PM. Public encouraged to attend. For questions call 637-4082.
June 12 - Planning West Virginia’s State Forests Conference/Workshop, Sponsored by Forest Watch Coalition. When: Saturday, 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM. Where: Days Inn Flatwoods, WV (I-79). More details elsewhere in this issue, or call 637-4082.
June 12 - Bike the North Bend Rail Trail. We'll ride our bikes 30+ miles from just east of West Union in Doddridge County to Cairo in Ritchie County. Enjoy charming small town West Virginia and lots of beautiful scenery. See North Bend State Park and the Hughes River along the way. Mountain bike recommended. Call or e-mail Tom Prall for further info at 924-6553 or
June 12 & 13 - Laurel Run Track and Pack. Since the emphasis of this overnight trip is tracking, we’ll take a relatively short backpack to our base camp. Then expert trackers and naturalists Doug Wood and Diane Anestis will show us how to use all (but one) of our senses to find, identify, and interpret animal sign. Contact Shalom Tazewell at 466-6431 for more info and to sign up.
June 16 - Meeting between the federal agencies involved in the settlement agreement on the AOC/Valley Fill lawsuit and any concerned citizens so the agencies can explain the interim permitting procedures they have worked out. Appalachian Room in the Geary Student Union, University of Charleston from 3 to 9 p.m.
June 19 - Glady Fork Dayhike. The Glady Fork is a gem - secluded and gorgeous. We’ll hike a remote stretch, from Sully to Alpena (near Elkins). The length of 9 miles is offset by mostly level or gentle grades. This is part of the Allegheny Trail. Call Jim Sconyers, 789-6277.
June 19 & 20 - Otter Creek Wilderness. Deep forest, green mountains, and beautiful streams are the hallmarks of Otter Creek. Call Brent Easton 637-6858.
June 21 thru 24 - Fire & Grit, Working for Nature in Community, a Millenium Conference. Sponsored by the Orion Society. Speakers and participants: Wendell Berry, Barry Lopez, Bruce Babbitt, Robert Hass, Peter Mattheisen, Terry Tempest Williams, Ann Zwinger, Greg Watson, Stephanie Mills, Gary Paul Nabhan & others. Held at the National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown WV. $225, $175 for Orion members inc. all plenary & outdoor events, reserved space in collegium, lunch & dinner Tues., Weds., & Thurs. For details check Fire & Grit at website . For further information email fax (413)528-0676 phone (413)528-4422 ext. 34.
July 5 - Bike Blackwater Canyon. Meet in quaint Thomas for morning snack. Bike the entire Blackwater Canyon Rail Trail from Thomas, through Coketon and Douglas, to Hendricks. Historic remnants, fabulous canyon vistas, and full summer vegetation. Cool off in Big Run while admiring its handbuilt stone culvert. Call Jim Sconyers, 789-6277.
July 10 - Summer Board Meeting of the WVHC at Mid-Mountain Lanes & Convention Center, Flatwoods, 10 AM to 4 PM. All WVHC members invited.
July 13 - Forest Forum with Zach Henderson, executive director of Shavers Fork Coalition, as speaker. Topic: The Watershed in West Virginia’s Forests. Details similar to May 11entry above.
July 23 thru 25 -West Virginia Mycological Association Summer Foray (joined by the Asheville Mushroom Club). Place: USDA lab near Beckley. Programing includes field trips, exhibit of wild mushrooms, beginner’s identification workshop, wild mushroom cooking workshop, and evening lectures. Staff will include: Alan Bessette- author of numerous mushroom guidebooks including "Mushrooms of Northeastern North America," Arleen Bessette- author and award winning mushroom photographer. president of the Asheville Mushroom Club, Bill Roody -WV’s own wild mushroom specialist, author, and award winning photographer Walt Sturgeon -Vice-president of the North American Mycological Association, prize winning mushroom photographer and wild mushroom identifier par excellence and John Whitehurst - Cultural resource management specialist for the New River Gorge National River. Registration is $20 for members and $30 for non-members. Space is limited so early registration is advised. For more information call Sam Norris or Rose Sullivan at 304-338- 4518 or write WVMA PO Box 115, Dailey, WV 26259.
August 10 - Forest Forum with Rick Landenberger, WVU School of Forestry, as speaker. Topic: Old Growth. Details similar to May 11 entry above.
Sept. 14 - Forest Forum with Craig Stihler, West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, Natural Heritage Program,as speaker. Topic: Threatened and Endangered Species. Details similar to May 11 entry above.
October 12 - Forest Forum with Dr. Jim Kotcon, WVU Dept. of Plant & Soil Science, as speaker. Topic: Air Pollution Impacts on West Virginia’s Forests. Details similar to June 8 entry above.
October 15 thru 17 - Fall Review in Morgantown.
October 21 thru 24 - Peace and Global Issues – the 12th Annual Conference of Concerned Philosophers for Peace. Radford University. Global issues include the nations state system in relation to peace, civil disobedience, environmental, militarism, economics, women’s, media, governance, citizenship, Poverty, human spirituality, weapons for mass destruction, violence, population pressures. Keynote Speaker: John Cairns, Jr. who will speak on "World Peace and Global Sustainability." For information E-mail phone (540) 831-5213.