Edition 7 of the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy's Monongahela National Forest Hiking Guide will go to press later this summer. We would like to add as many new photos as possible since many of the photos in the current addition are quite old. If you have any photos of the Mon National Forest and its trials and scenery, please send us some prints for consideration. Pure scenery is fine, but even better are photos of scenery that also include hikers, backpackers, cross-country skiers or wildlife, though these should not be the main focus of the photo.
Photos are especially needed of the southern half of the MNF. Ideally, they should be glossy, black -and-white, about 5x7". If you send a color print from a color negative, we will borrow the negative if the photo is to be used in the book. Photos will be returned. Photos used in Edition 7 will be paid for ($10 each, plus a free copy of the new guide). Acknowledgment will be given in the photo caption and the photo returned - but after the new edition comes out. Color slides can also be used, but much is lost in the conversion to black and white halftones. Color slides are okay for the color front cover. If your color slide (or color negative) is used on the front cover of Ed. 7, you will be paid $75 for the use of your slide or negative. Send photos to Bruce Sundquist, 210 College Park Drive, Monroeville, PA 15146-1532 as soon as possible so as not to delay publication. (We are already sold out of Edition 6.) For more information contact Bruce at (724) 327-8737 or at bsundquist1@juno.com