A Smattering of News from Daily Grist
5-19-2000. « The polar ice cap has thinned by 40% in the last 30 years according to preliminary findings of the Arctic research Consortium of the United States. [so where is all that melted water a-goin’?]
« Spurred by competition, air pollution and global warming, auto makers have on the boards designs for a whole new generation of clean cars.
5-22-2000. « Again the United States House of Representatives acts in an environmentally destructive way, continuing the freeze on vehicle fuel-economy standards. [what will it take for those fools to bring to home their sins of omission and commission – seawater inundation of the very House itself?]
5-23-2000. « Over 132 million Americans live in unhealthy smoggy areas according to the American Lung association. Now even worse than Los Angeles – Houston.
5-25-2000. « The United States Chamber of Commerce has published a "Little Green Book" in an attempt to prove that all environmental activists are, indeed, environmental extremists. [Underwood must have had a hand in this, somehow]
5-25-2000. « New York has put into law a measure that would disallow New York companies from selling pollution allowances to coal-fired power plants in the South and Midwest. [Guess they’re a little upset up there about being "polluted on" by coal-fired power plants in states like West Virginia!]
5-30-2000. « An estimated four million migratory birds are killed each year in the United States as they collide with communication towers. [So all you cell phone users out there share a responsibility for this!]
« Runoff from cattle feedlots after a heavy rain in a small town in Ontario has caused contamination of the water supply which in turn has caused mass illness and five deaths. [Residents of the Potomac Highlands beware!]
6-5-2000. « Since 1990 156 new chip mills have opened in the South, and now they eat through about 1.2 million acres of trees a year. [This is an area nearly 8% of the size of the whole state of West Virginia. At this rate, in 13 years they would have clear cut an area the size of the state of West Virginia!]
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Gloom and doom with a sense of humor. Impossible, you say? Nah. Visit Grist Magazine, a beacon in the smog, at <http://www.gristmagazine.com>. Grist Magazine is a project of Earth Day Network, http://www.earthday.net .