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GAULEY RANGER DISTRICT [II] (p. 302-347 of Edition 8)


Pocahontas Trail (TR263) (P. 312-313)

Access: We tried hard to find the western end of the trail where we wanted to park our cars.  However we had little luck due to an incorrect topographic map and an incorrect USFS map.  Nearly every map we looked at had something different regarding FR99. 

Section 6: Pocahontas Trail now follows FR77 starting below Mike's Knob (Map II-A-7) and continuing NW for about 1.5mi to the point (Map II-A-5) where the old route of TR263 crossed FR77.  Because of this, the meadow discussed in Segment 6 is not easily seen from the trail.  The trail no longer skirts the meadow, but is on FR77.  The meadow is in good shape, and can be accessed by going just past the road on your right (leading up to the site of a former fire tower).  Then follow a short road on your left going down to the meadow. There is a great campsite in the meadow.  The pond would be more precisely described as being on the western side of the meadow. Note that there is no longer an "excellent view of the surrounding country" because that view has all grown in.  The jeep trail leading up from the meadow is the road on the left that one needs to take from FR77 to access the meadow.

[Information above is based on a backpack trip in October of 2008 by Susan Bly, P.O. Box 277, Cameron NC 28326 (formerly of Great Cacapon WV)]

Map II-A-7 (p. 343)

Where Frosty Gap Trail meets Pocahontas Trail, Frosty Gap Trail [TR235] ends.  The section of trail leading NW from the junction of Pocahontas Trail [TR263] and Frosty Gap Trail [TR235] should be labeled "Pocahontas Trail." This is the way that MNF8 describes the situation, but an old USFS notation still on Map II-A-7 labels that portion of Pocahontas Trail as Frosty Gap Trail.

Pocahontas Trail [TR263] has been rerouted from Mike's Knob to the point on Map II-A-5 where the original route of TR263 crossed FR77 (a distance of about 1.5mi.)  In other words, TR263 is no longer off of FR77 in the woods, but is on FR77 from Mike's Knob for about 1.5mi to the point on Map II-A-5 where the original route of TR263 had crossed FR77.

[Information above is based on a backpack trip in October of 2008 by Susan Bly, P.O. Box 277, Cameron NC 28326 (formerly of Great Cacapon WV)]


***** -- (No new information)

(II-D) -- BISHOP KNOB AREA (p. 328-329)
***** -- (No new information)

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